Student Spotlight: Meet Ruth

In this month’s Student Spotlight, we're introducing our wonderful client, Ruth!

What do you remember your first yoga class?

I went to a prenatal yoga class at Willow Street Yoga in Takoma, DC. I was so nervous. I had been long intimidated by yoga; I thought I had to be strong and flexible and thin to take a class. But I was encouraged by another pregnant friend to try a prenatal class — and I’m so glad I did! I learned that anyone can be a yogi, no matter their size or strength or experience with yoga. The whole point of a yoga class, I realized, was to learn through movement and breath. I continued taking postnatal yoga, baby and me yoga, and then “regular” yoga classes. By my second pregnancy, I was hooked.   

 What’s your professional background?

I’m an Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies and Rhetoric at Old Dominion University. I’ve been teaching writing at the college-level for over a decade now, and I love it. I know folks always like to bag on the emerging generation, but I attest: college students are brilliant, determined, and empathetic.

I think my background as a feminist educator really draws me to yoga. I know that we learn about ourselves and the world through our bodies, movement, and breath, and I try to bring this awareness into my teaching.

What’s your favorite pose & why?

 Oooooh I have two! I love half-pigeon because it gives me the opportunity to surrender and open my hips. It feels SO GOOD. I also love half moon because it challenges me, and I know I can keep challenging myself with its many variations.  

 What’s your least favorite pose & why?

I don’t think I have a least favorite posture, but I do want to know whoever first said that downdog is a relaxing posture and give them a piece of my mind!

 What keeps you coming back to your mat & why do you enjoy practicing at GUD Yoga?

 I love practicing at GUD Yoga because I’ve learned how strong I can be in these classes. I used to think I could never be physically strong; I really discounted my body’s ability to evolve, even after giving birth to two babies. I’ve loved yoga for a long time, but GUD Yoga was the first time where I really pushed myself to try challenging postures, to stretch beyond what I thought I was capable of. After practicing regularly at GUD Yoga for the past five months, I can feel how powerfully I approach poses I thought I could never even attempt before. At GUD Yoga, I know it’s OK to try wild new things and fail—because even in the trying, I am connecting back to my body and growing stronger each time I come back to my mat.

Ashley Gudknecht